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摩根士丹利2018校园招聘-Morgan Stanley2018校园招聘_上海校园招聘

2018-12-01 22:30:44
摩根士丹利2018校园招聘-Morgan Stanley2018校园招聘_上海校园招聘 当前位置:首页 上海招聘 [上海]摩根士丹利2018校园招聘-Morgan Stanley2018校园招聘 摩根士丹利2018校园招聘职位: 【1】2018 Technology Full Time Analyst - Application Development (Shanghai)Shanghai【2】2018 Technology Full Time Analyst - Enterprise Engineering (Shanghai)Shanghai 摩根士丹利2018校园招聘职位介绍:【1】2018 Technology Full Time Analyst - Application Development (Shanghai) Shanghai 2018 Technology Full Time Analyst - Application Development (Shanghai) City Shanghai Education Level Bachelor's Degree Business Unit Technology Job description Technology at Morgan Stanley Our Technology division redefines our business by creating quantitative trading systems, cutting-edge modelling software, and comprehensive risk and security systems. Its insights and applications give a competitive edge to our Firm. Full Time Analyst Program Opportunities (Application Deadline: October 22nd, 2017) We will be accepting applications for two programs - Enterprise Engineering and Application Development. Note that you can apply to one or both of the programs by scanning the 2 different QR Code below. Application Development Our development teams design, develop and maintain applications used by our business units. Daily activities include meeting with clients to gather and analyse requirements, making system design decisions and developing necessary software, testing and deploying applications to production. Typical systems that we are developing include: Enterprise Engineering Our platform-facing teams develop cutting-edge systems to run our business. Our engineers provide tools, applications and platforms such as the operating systems and databases for the Firm's trading applications, mobile applications and other end-user applications. Typical applications that we are engineering include: Undergraduate, master's or PhD candidates, who will graduate in 2018 specializing in computer science, software engineering, automation, communication engineering, electronics or any other IT-related major Superior technical skills, including a strong understanding of Linux /Unix and Windows, competency in at least one programming language (e.g., C, C++, Java or C#) as well as experience in object-oriented development, good comprehension of data structures, algorithms and complexity theory, strong database and scripting skills Job Level Full Time Analyst 【2】2018 Technology Full Time Analyst - Enterprise Engineering (Shanghai) Shanghai 2018 Technology Full Time Analyst - Enterprise Engineering (Shanghai) City Shanghai Education Level Bachelor's Degree Business Unit Technology Job description Technology at Morgan Stanley Our Technology division redefines our business by creating quantitative trading systems, cutting-edge modelling software, and comprehensive risk and security systems. Its insights and applications give a competitive edge to our Firm. Full Time Analyst Program Opportunities (Application Deadline: October 22nd, 2017) We will be accepting applications for two programs - Enterprise Engineering and Application Development. Note that you can apply to one or both of the programs by scanning the 2 different QR Code below. Application Development Our development teams design, develop and maintain applications used by our business units. Daily activities include meeting with clients to gather and analyse requirements, making system design decisions and developing necessary software, testing and deploying applications to production. Typical systems that we are developing include: Enterprise Engineering Our platform-facing teams develop cutting-edge systems to run our business. Our engineers provide tools, applications and platforms such as the operating systems and databases for the Firm's trading applications, mobile applications and other end-user applications. Typical applications that we are engineering include: Undergraduate, master's or PhD candidates, who will graduate in 2018 specializing in computer science, software engineering, automation, communication engineering, electronics or any other IT-related major Superior technical skills, including a strong understanding of Linux /Unix and Windows, competency in at least one programming language (e.g., C, C++, Java or C#) as well as experience in object-oriented development, good comprehension of data structures, algorithms and complexity theory, strong database and scripting skills 摩根士丹利是一家全球领先的国际性金融服务公司,业务范围涵盖投资银行、证券、投资管理以及财富管理。公司在全球42个国家设有超过1,200家办事处,公司员工竭诚为各地企业、政府机关、事业机构和个人投资者提供服务。 摩根士丹利在亚洲已经活跃了超过40年,为客户提供全套的产品及全面的服务。除了两个地区中心香港和东京之外,公司还在北京、上海、珠海、台北、首尔、新加坡、曼谷、孟买、悉尼与墨尔本设有办事处。 摩根士丹利是最早进入中国的投资银行之一,通过近二十年的不懈努力,目前已实现了多元化的商业平台的构架,其中包括证券、商业银行和资产管理平台。1995年,摩根士丹利与建行合资成立了中国首家国际化的投资银行中国国际金融有限公司;2006年10月,收购珠海南通银行100%股权,成立摩根士丹利国际银行;2008年6月合资成立摩根士丹利华鑫基金;2008年11月入资杭州工商信托。2007年和2009年,中国投资有限公司投资摩根士丹利,占其约9.9%的股份。2011年5月,摩根士丹利人民币私募股权管理公司在杭州成立。2011年6月摩根士丹利华鑫证券在上海正式成立,意味着公司业务拓展至A股市场的股票和债券的承销,摩根士丹利从而进一步巩固其在中国的在岸金融业务。摩根士丹利在外资投行中拥有较高的QFII投资额度(8.5亿美元)。其离岸金融服务亦蓬勃发展,包括投资银行、销售交易、财富管理、投资管理等业务,旨在为客户提供全方位的金融产品和服务。公司的全球及区域私募股权基金和房地产基金也同样活跃在中国市场。 摩根士丹利与许多亚洲国家政府有着密切的合作,在一些国营企业的重组及私营化项目中发挥了重要作用。同时,公司还为亚洲的龙头企业担任顾问,协助他们进行复杂的境内和跨境并购,以及在本地和国际资本市场上发股发债进行融资。 摩根士丹利的中国发展历程: 1995年8月摩根士丹利成为首家在中国成立合资投资银行的跨国金融机构。 中国国际金融有限公司(简称中金公司)为摩根士丹利与中国建银投资有限责任公司和其他几家境内外投资机构联合组成的合资公司,摩根士丹利持有34.3%的股权。 2006年10月摩根士丹利成为首家以100%股权收购中国国内银行的跨国银行。 摩根士丹利国际银行(中国)有限公司前身为珠海南通银行,是摩根士丹利集团的子公司摩根士丹利国际银行有限公司的全资附属机构。 2007年12月摩根士丹利与中国投资有限责任公司达成协议,投资56亿美元成为摩根士丹利的长期战略投资者。 2008年4月摩根士丹利获得中国银监会批准,成为杭州工商信托股份有限公司的境外战略投资人,持有杭州工商信托19.9%股权。 2008年6月摩根士丹利与华鑫证券有限责任公司等国内金融机构共同组建了摩根士丹利华鑫基金管理有限公司,进一步扩大了在华业务的多元化平台。 2011年5月摩根士丹利人民币私募股权管理公司在杭州成立,这进一步加强摩根士丹利与杭州市人民政府在资产管理领域的战略合作伙伴关系。 2011年6月摩根士丹利华鑫证券在上海正式成立,意味着公司业务拓展至A股市场的股票和债券的承销,摩根士丹利从而进一步巩固其在中国的在岸金融业务。 临沂木托盘价格